Sunday, April 30, 2006

I did it, I got a Tat

Well can you believe it? First it was the eyebrow ring about 5 years ago after I just got my first job.....but that didn't last because I just couldn't handle having this blooding thing above my eye. Every time I washed my face I would forget that it was there and oooppps with every upward wipe I almost ripped my left eyelid off, along with half my face, so that wasn't for me. After 4 months that one came out. Now I have moved onto something that I have always wanted ....... .... and I have it now. So yeah I met up with a nice Chinese guy here in Summit shopping mall and he was willing to poke me full of holes and the fill them with ink that can never be removed and he was willing to do it for a good price so I was game :) I had never had a tattoo so the whole experience was quite a thing for me, most of the preparation was quite logical..clean the leg, shave the hair off...oh wait, I didn't mention that I was having the tattoo done on the right side of my calf, well that's the best place I back to the story, dammit I keep drifting wonder I got such shitty essay marks at school. So he started by shaving and cleaning it and then he basically copy and pasted the design onto my leg with some special carbon paper...and ink. Next stop was the little tattoo room behind the front desk. I checked this place out, it was clean, welcoming and it had really great scamps hanging off the walls, obviously of past customers tattoos. So I sat in the chair and watched as Simple Lim (the tattoo guy) prepared himself and his flesh stabbing, ink ripping, buzzing "art tool". We took out some clean needles and adjusted them to fit his machine, there were two guns, one was a fine detail version and the other was a "lets colour in the leg" gun. Very S&M looking in fact with wires hanging out running down to a DC power supply. Just before he starts he tells me to "Get leady for the pain"...and was he right! Freaking hell, it was sore, the worst part was the outline....that was worse than the if anyone tells you that tattoo's aren't sore, they are lying or they have a problem with there nervous system and they didn't have feeling in their tattoo are from the word go. I hung in there and the result was just great....a good job indeed and very professional...he stopped as soon as I whined :) The funniest part of this whole thing was the music and the sounds that I heard while I was getting inked. You must bear in mind that his wife and his two kids were in the back room of the shop..... The HIFI was on and it was playing some nice heavy rock music, so the whole scene was set..harcore music..getting a tattoo and I thought to myself, this is great, pretty awesome in fact....until the CD finished...then I heard the educational DVD in the back was teaching his kid to count or read or something but freaking hell what a put off and to top it all off, Simple was whistling along " 1,2,3,4.5,6,7,8 lalaaaalaalaaallaaa" I really thought I was going to smash that TV and then the kid started screaming for mama who was in the front with another canvas, I mean customer. So yeah......I had an eventful tattoo experience..and I can say for sure now.... IT WAS SORE , check it out 5mins after Simple Finished. If you want a nice tat and a good job give him a shout at Summit on the top floor near the billiards room...


Blogger Saffa_G said...

thanks Polkie I can always count on you for some in depth testing!

Sun Apr 30, 09:04:00 PM  
Blogger Saffa_G said...

thanks Doby, it was super sore

Mon May 01, 12:14:00 AM  
Blogger Saffa_G said...

yes....the wings help with propulsion....but it is pain, just gotta be pretty careful not to scratch it....pretty hopeless today though...will post a Ride Report Blog ASAP

Mon May 01, 05:10:00 PM  

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