Monday, May 01, 2006

8 Hour Kemensah Epic

Well....this is a post to finish off a truly hectic epic day. Started off at 6:00am with the alarm clock, followed by a quick breakfast of Weet Bix and Raisins, which I would later regret. I picked up Joshie at his place at 6:45 and off we went to meet up with Long Con and Ong (Fakawichief) a the Zoo Negara where we would start out ride. The general layout of this ride took place over a jungle area with different areas being exposed as we ventured further in and deeper into the jungle. What is very interesting are the different types of trees you get as you go further and further into the jungle. Now all you SA boys, this is a real jungle..even with the threat of tigers!! Scary I know but we braved it for the sake of Going just over 22km in 8 hours. The beginning of the ride was very interesting and new for me, so I was looking around and taking as much in as was possible while Ong and the rest of the guys took photos. Just before the stop for some lunch Joshie managed to find every leech in Malaysia, in fact I think he found the breeding area for all leeches in the world. He had it so bad that they were even crawling in his belly button. From the shouts and all the salt getting thrown on I do believe that Joshie DOES NOT LIKE the little slimy buggers at all. They are pretty gross and they do cause lots of blood to flow but they are relatively easily removed and thrown on the ground. The only problem is that whilst you are picking them off, the new ones are busy climbing into/onto your shoes making their way up to some tasty blood. After the lunch break it was time to turn back. Since this is an IN OUT route we had to track back on our first route. It was at this point that I realized that I was absolutely stuffed, I started to lose energy and really battled along the route home, it was the least enjoyable part of the ride for me and honestly I can say that I need to get fitter. After discussions with the guys I also decided that what I had for breakfast was far too little. Over the entire ride was super great. I also managed to test the GPS, it went swimming and also gave great reception under the thick trees, I am really happy with that one. Well folks, I am off now as I am tired as hell, gonna go sleep. Till next time - Cheers


Blogger Saffa_G said...

oh treading on dangerous turf!! the reason it was so slow was the terrain..lots of Hike-a-bike....really hectic. If you check the Fakawi link on the left in the next couple of days you will see our photos!

Mon May 01, 08:28:00 PM  
Blogger fakawitribe said...

travelling in thick jungle on mtb in that period of time is considered very very fast..
jungle trekkers are known to cover only 5km a DAY on foot.

Tue May 02, 02:32:00 PM  
Blogger Saffa_G said...

see Polkie we weren't slow after all! Haha! Thanks for the backup Chiefy :)

Tue May 02, 03:15:00 PM  

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