Sunday, May 07, 2006

Bangi Hash - 7 May 2006

I really enjoyed this hash. Started out on time at 9:30 and surprisingly there wasn't as much mud as I thought there would be. The night before the ride was a wet one, a large amount of rain in a short time while I was lying in bed I was wondering to myself how I will get my bike back in the hotel AGAIN with half of Malaysia's mud on it. I found the site easily thanks to the Co Ordinates posted by Adil on the KLMBH Forum. Very accurate and I even got there early enough to be the second one there, I mustn't make this a habit...ruining my beauty sleep (and you know how I need that). Yeah, there was a big turnout, I am not sure of numbers but there were a lot of people. Even some new faces, that’s always great to see. I was looking forward to this ride and it makes a great break in a busy month. Ride was fun...nothing too hectic except the first part which consisted of the "Paper Trail Confusion" followed by some serious mud wall/ steep slope climbing..Not too much fun since the concept of biking usually involves actually riding the bike, but fun anyhow and made for some laughs especially when a wasp decided that my left temple was the place to park his sting. That really hurt and has left me with a numbing headache, I am sure I will be fine. The thing must have had a super long sting to penetrate my thick head. So yeah the ride was made up of a few slippery downhill’s....some grassy, bushy areas that were covered by trees and some muddy patches. The final part ran through some palm oil plantations. Over all the Long ride was about 17km. Not sure about the short ride, cos I did the long..makes sense doesn't it. I had a decent breakfast today so I was stronger than last weeks Mayday ride. I managed to track the route on my GPS so if anyone is interest in the track, then please comment that with your email and I can mail it to you. Oh yeah, must mention that I met three new people today.. Dirk from SA, Johan from Namibia and a "local Lady" - Rebecca who has the impression that us Fakawi's are a wild bunch or jungle monsters! Well we are, kinda, sorta, hmm maybe not....just jungle teddy bears :) Have a great week and you will hear from me soon.....P.S I attached a snapshot of the route!! G


Blogger fakawitribe said...

i think the hornets were after you because of the cologne you were wearing...

Tue May 09, 01:23:00 PM  
Blogger Saffa_G said...

hahaha, well no, the "local lady" was just a hello and goodbye! But it is always good to increase the Faka crowd! Yes, I think the hornets liked me and wanted to just get closer!

Tue May 09, 01:29:00 PM  

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