Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Women's Day - 9 August 2006

So it's women's day again in South Africa? What does that really mean in our wonderful land? Well most probably, to most blokes, it means a Wednesday off and a Tuesday night to booze it up and get with some ladies in search of that perfect guy! So be it, but I honestly feel it is pointless to highlight one day for the ladies that are special in our lives......one day only? I really and truly feel that ladies should be treated with love and care every single day...take for instance your mom! Yes, I know she has a mothers day, but we can use the MOM as a great example of a women and how she should be treated equally any day, I guess it also goes for your wife or even your wife to be...you get my drift....?

You gotta respect the fact that some women take huge amounts of shit from men, yes men can be bastards...absolute pricks, but the women in their lives still stand by them and never give up on them, well, sometimes they do, but then that skank wasn't worth it anyway....now was she? Or was she just a smart lass? Never mind, I am getting off the point I am trying to make.

So come on guys, make it a special day for the ladies and try and follow it through every day for the next year!! I sure will try.