Thursday, June 22, 2006

Pirates of the Golden Triangle??

Hmmmmm, strange having the thought of pirates in the middle of a city centre, maybe more along the lines of car jackers? But no this isn't South Africa, it's Malaysia, truly Asia!! The pirates I am talking about are the technological they don't rob normal people, but rather big businesses of Millions of $US per day!

These pirates ply there goods all over KL. You can find them anywhere, but the problem is, prices vary...and unbelievably, so does wouldn't expect this with pirated goods....the said good vary from: Music CD's to computer software, right up to the latest movie on DVD9. Some prices vary:

Music CD: RM 4
Software (on CD): RM 5
Software (on DVD): RM15
DVD Movies: RM8

But the idea here is that these items, cost the same, maybe a little more, than buying blank media.....and people love it. These pirates do a roaring trade...they are so busy sometimes, that there are queues around there make shift shop counters...that’s right, make shift. They don't need a well laid out, air-conditioned shop with advertising graphics and all that shit....these guys have a product and it sells. It sells because it is loads cheaper than the originals......

Now don't get me wrong, but I do think that piracy is wrong, it shouldn't be allowed (not that anyone is legally allowing it here) ....but it honestly is the only way people can actually afford anything that falls in this range of product. You may argue and say that people should save up and all that hoo haa, but come on, you wanna watch the latest flick, you wanna jam to the latest tunes and you wanna play the latest games on your PS2...or your XBOX or your Game Boy...and I am damn sure you aren't going to be able to afford RM200 for a PS2 game, when you can get it for RM4.

I read in the newspapers, quite regularly, that the "authorities" are going to clamp down on these illegal you get this idea that Malaysia is going to take a stand against this?? Sounds good, the pictures in the paper look good too, cops standing around looking their usual buff and very fit front of them on a table there is a whole bunch of DVD's...they made a difference and managed to close down one of the hundreds of stores, probably because the seller didn't get warned in time, or maybe because someone wasn't paid their protection dosh :(

This is the reality, it goes on like this...but the strangest part for me is when you go to shopping centre, like, lets say.... LOW YAT PLAZA in Bukit often see the DVD guy sitting in his normal place....then all of sudden he tells the customers to hurry up as he has to pack and go because the "authorities" are on their this interesting to me:

1. How do they know the cops are coming? Psychic?
2. IF someone has warned them, then the cops need a better plan
3. if someone saw the cops, then the cops should use plain clothes...
and the list could go on.....

I reckon the cops are in on the deal, they make these surprise visits to show face and to show the businesses that the government is doing something to rid the economy of these pirates....ooohh well done bloody done, what a good little group of "authorities". But what pisses me off the most, if they are going to nail people for piracy, why the hell don't they nail everyone?? A fake Microsoft Windows CD, is just as bad as a Brokemyback in the Mountains DVD? Isn't it? I am sure Billy boy would agree?! So yes, the authorities should nail everyone equally, unless I am missing something! I am writing from experience, I have been there when one of these "raids"/"shows" takes place....lemme set the scene:

DVD guy sitting with wooden desk, with DVD's laying around
Behind DVD guy is Mr Soft with his fake software CD's displayed on a 5 meter wall area
In front of Mr DVD guy sits MR PS TOO and his mate MR XB OX
Next to MR PS TOO and MR XB OX is another MR Soft with the same setup

You get the idea.....but for some unknown reason, someone enlighten me if you know, the cops only nail the DVD guy? Maybe as I stay here longer I will figure out why? And when I find out why, I will let you all know!

But, here's a message to the big boys, that's you MR Billy Boy and Mr Movie Star, and MR MusicMan......why not try sell your stuff a little cheaper, so that it is available to everyone, not only the richies? hmmm, it is an idea, you could push more volumes with lower prices and maybe make more than if you sold one unit at your stupidly high doing this people wouldn't support the likes of DVD think about it...if someone started, the rest are sure to follow...or are you all going to be pricks and keep ripping everyone off? If so, then go for it pirates........feel free to make our lives more enjoyable with some cheap entertainment!!

Oh yeah, and to the authorities, if you going to bring down the baddies, bring em all down.....and maybe if the government paid the cops more they wouldn't need to get "protection money" would they?


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