Monday, May 29, 2006

Freaking French Renault Rubbish

Hmmm, so yet another weekend flies by...yet another F1 race also flies by with the winner being Ren "O" again! Well done Fernando! Good race. Anyway to duck away from that glory I really wanted to voice my opinion on the Renault product itself. I had this encounter nearly 2 years ago when I bought a car, well that’s what they called it when the salesman showed me my test vehicle. Now, don't get me wrong, this little baby looked and felt absolutely awesome, the power was there and so was the styling, so of course being a hot blooded, racy little shite, I decided, this is the one. So of I went signed the papers and a few months later got the call to tell me that my car was ready. Ohh yeah, lumps and jumps in my tummy and I can really drive in style. So I thought....hmmmm lotsa thoughts for Saffa.

Walked into the garage, only to find that my car wasn't on the floor, upon asking where it was I was told that it was being filled up with fuel! Awesome I thought, this is gonna be a real blaster of day. So of I toddled, stood in the warm morning sun outside waiting for my beauty to arrive back. So in comes this Renault, at a speed might I say. The guy stops, jumps out and starts walking to the showroom with the Key Card (one of Renault's most terrible inventions), he see's me, not knowing I was the new owner and proudly tell's me that this car is, and I quote, "flipping zippy". Now, as a new buyer you don't really want to hear this..but being all excited I let is slide. Salesman comes to me and tells me that my car is ready....then he says that I just have to bring it back in about 3 weeks to get y door fixed. They dented the door on the ship....small dent, but dented nonetheless. I forced them to fix it that day and they did, not 100% but being the moron I am, well sometimes, only in certain situations, not all the time, well some would argue, anyway, back to the story. I let it slide, again. sheesh with all that sliding I should of opened a damn water, coulda made millions in "slides"...

So the car went fine for a while, then after about 3000km, I have a look at the floor on my garage floor, lo and behold someone must be using my garage during the day.....because there is no way my new Renault could be leaking oil, could it? Sure enough, it was my new Renault! My new Renault. My new Renault Megane. Your getting the idea right, the keyword here, being new, and yes that’s brand new. Of course I go into a flat spin, and head of to the dealer....they say the will take a look and of course I go in with them. So the guy checks it out and tells me, the gearbox is sweating. I think about this and even though it was a pretty hot I don't believe that a new cars gearbox needs to sweat. So he cleaned it all off and assured me that it wouldn't happen again. And yes, before you ask, the sliding affect took place again!

I left this and kept checking the car for leaks after that, and at around 6000km I noticed the oil was still sweating it's way outta the off it went back to the dealer, but this time I tried a different one, in case there other dealer wasn't "as well informed" as this one. They checked the car over a two day period and assured me that there wasn't anything wrong and they had tightened everything up. YES I LET IT SLIDE

I didn't bother checking for a while, until the car had some problems with the electronics failing, yes that’s right the electronics failed at around 7000km. This happened to happen at a crowded shopping centre, with me and my lady sitting in the hot car in the sweltering South African heat...oh, forgot to mention that since the electronics had failed, I was stuck in the car, couldn't open the lovely leather coated Renault doors. In South Africa, people have this ability to see people sitting in their cars in a crowded parking I had called Renault Assist and asked them to help out. They assured me they would call me back and that I should sit tight! So whilst sitting tight, literally tight, all the Saffa's are waiting for me to reverse out so they can take my parking. Since I wasn't moving, I was getting hooted at and trying to tell them that I wasn't leaving, you can just imagine....I wanted to get out the car and scream at these people, because by now the inside of the car was around 35 degrees, with me lady beginning to stress. Eventually the doors popped open and the car was drivable again.

So by 7000km I wanted to throw this car back at Renault! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that all this while I was fighting with Renault in Sandton's head office and telling them that I wanted my money back, or at least a new car. Of course they chuckled and didn't even entertain that idea. Instead, they simply quoted me the statement that "They reserve the right to repair the vehicle under warranty". Then when I heard that, I wanted to tell them that "I reserve the right to shove my foot up your......" But I kept my cool!

So I decided that I would book it in for them to check the electronics and also the gears, since they were sticking now and I was battling to get the car into gear sometimes! It went in and they assured me that they couldn't find anything wrong with the electronics and that they had tightened some loose gear linkages. So off I drove beleiving these swine’s once more! Guess I can be classed a moron for buying this hunk of junk!?

Next Day at the traffic light, in the rush hour traffic, my Renault decides to lose gears, I felt like a certain Red Bull driver on Sunday in Monaco! Hahaha. Not so funny though in rush hour traffic! So I had to slide the clutch in order to get the car to take, thanks heavens it was a 2 liter....the clutch started to stink, trying to pull off in the third gear is not easy, especially on a slight incline! So I ended up at the side of the road with a huge Renault Tow Truck, trying to put my piece of metal on the back! They ended up keeping my car for 3 days, trying to fix the problem...I got given a panel van to drive....not so good, I looked like an oversized postman pat!

Got the car back managed to drive it until the speedo cruise failed...yes, that’s right that failed and they had to have the car back for another 5 days while they waited for a part, which cost around R7000, lucky they were exercising their "reservation of the right to repair it under warranty" and I didn't have to foot the bill. All the time I had been sending email to their customer service and even there useless CEO--- he didn't even respond. Guess he had my money and had already bought his new Mercedes. ha-ha, can't quote me on that but I am pretty sure he wouldn't drive a shoddy Renault! The customer care kept responding with automated mails, I reckon they categorize their auto responses to the following structure:

The customer is a first time complainant - send friendly "we will look into your shite car problem" message

The customer is complaining again about the same problem - send another friendly mail assuring them that they are important and that Renault takes their concerns seriously? (Wouldn’t you expect that?)

The customer is threatening to the dealer's head off
- Dear sir, we have contacted the branch concerned and assure you of our best interest at all times...blah blah blah blah f%cken blah!

So what I am saying is that they are useless when it comes to service! Apparently that part of selling a car didn't cross their minds, let alone any of their training courses. Which from their technical workmanship, none of them attended?

So the car ended up at that grease palace again and this time I was told the rear main seal needed to be replaced....oh yes, didn't they do that at the first garage, or somewhere along the line they did. Didn't mention that above, but they did. So this was the second seal to go in to stop the oil! 11000km this is what you get when you buy a shite Renault! I can literally go on more than what I have already, but it is honestly not worth the web space!

I ended up getting rid of the car, just before 30 000km, the radiator at this stage had a crack and they replaced at that service interval........

So people please read this and take note that no matter how convincing the salesman is and no matter how sweet a deal he offers you....DON'T TRUST HIM/HER/IT, until you have checked out the car and done some research.

The best type of research I can tell you to do is start looking at consumer websites that tackles customer satisfaction. These websites usually yield the consumer problems that we are faced with everyday! These problems are not always publicly known, but that’s why I am telling you via my blog RENAULT is not a good brand to buy, in South Africa anyway, this from personal experience that I tell you this. There are many other unhappy people too, you can just check out my favorite consumer website:

Very useful and it covers most products as well as services in South Africa. So remember that in depth research is very important!

Good luck folks!

.............and a warning to Renault:

You're gonna get caught out one're a bunch of liars and you sell shoddy products! And you're also a slippery bunch too.....hmm we heading back to the slide thing again...!!

So bugger you Renault and I hope that the fleas of a thousand camels infest your MANAGEMENTS ARMPITS!

Viva Schumi Viva! P.S Alonso you drive like a demon! You go boy!


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