Friday, May 12, 2006

FRIM - Wesak Day Ride

Another great ride in Malaysia, that’s how I can sum up today’s ride. There was a good turnout and I met a few new guys, Jason x2, Justin, CenseSense, and Yish. Pleasure to meet you guys and great riding with you! Ride started off at about 8:30am and we headed straight into FRIM via the Guardhouse entrance, we paid our RM1 and we were off, passing by the walkers, crawlers, runners, cars, motorbikes, houses and all the other things you wouldn't think of finding in the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia! Hahaha, I am just being a prick again. But it is kind good to see so many other people out on a public holiday sweating it up in the forests...some decent eye candy too, but that’s not coming from me, Josh and the other guys made that comment, wasn't me, I never said that , just relaying information..... ;). The beginning part of the trails are pretty packed with the above mentioned exercise bunnies and so you have to respectful and give a warning that you are about to pass, it also required some extra consideration due to the puddles etc that covered our paths...we made sure not to splash anyone! I enjoyed this section as it was a good warm-up stretch with some short small climbs followed by some short descents. Ooooohh, speaking of descents, the last part of the first part (hmmmmm sounds weird hey?) is slippery to say the least. I was in the middle and came down this stretch by myself and I noticed immediately that this tarred/stoned section was dangerous, pull the rear disc and it already started to slip and slide so I took it easy since there were some more bunnies in front of me! When I got to the bottom we started chatting then we heard the slipping and sliding as Yish had managed to go lefty down this slippery wasn't pretty, blood, skin, thorns....and bunnies of course, but no bunnies were injured during the making of this casualty department photo shoot. Yish was up and running shortly, I mean up and riding shortly after this mishap and we were then on out way to the rest of FRIM. The next stretch was pretty fun as we headed up on a sort of fire road...Jeep track....I guess it could be called. Was nice with a few little climbs and eventually came out at a crossroads sort of section which ended up being the "toilet"...I heard that I may have been caught on camera whilst "researching" at FRIM...hmmmmmm, I sure hope that I don't see any visual evidence --hahahaha. It was then off onto a side little track that was made of a welcome downhill section with rocks and little pebbles etc....some green slimy rocks too...we followed this all the way down, this track ended in the direction of Jalan Hospital in SG Buloh, and at the end we simply turned around and headed back up the track that we so enjoyed bombing down!!! Argggghh, the first of many climbs had just hit us. So it back to the crossroad area and then onto a bigger hill, in fact one of the longest climbs I have done in Malaysia so far....Steroid Hill (now I wonder why they F%^&ing call it that?? No prizes for guessing right) this is a BIAAAATCH hill, but nevertheless we all made it up to the peak to have a look at the Mango tree, oh gees, a mango tree. I must confess, I didn't look at the Mango tree, there was talk of Hornets and after last week's HASH
I decided against offering myself to the Hornets gods again! So it was off down Steroid Hill.....FAST-FUN-FAB, that's my description of this downhill.....really great, even though I was getting sun burnt at all the exposed areas! We ended up at the bottom of he hill in no time and our next destination was the car park where we came up from....the rest of the ride was calm and we relaxed on the way back to the are my GPS Stats:

Total Distance: 18.7km
Total Ride Time: 2hr10min
Breaks: 1hr36min
Max Speed: 51km/h
Start Altitude: 74.2m
Max Altitude: 307m

So overall it looked okay, except we need to cut out the breaks a bit more, but we must remember that we had to make sure everything was okay with Yish before we continued, so that was about 30 mins....not too bad considering his fall ---- ouch. We hope to see some pics soon! Thanks guys, had fun! G


Blogger fakawitribe said...

need more pics saffa! spice up the blog with more of your action shots!

Fri May 12, 06:11:00 PM  
Blogger Saffa_G said...

No polkie, the ride time is the time spent riding the bike....there is also a rest time and that was about 1hour 30 min, due to the injury time mentioned. So it is quite a long hot ride for is your training going?

Sun May 14, 10:32:00 AM  

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