Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Irish at the Q Bar........and Paddy McOhShameYouPOES

Well last night was not what I expected.....the Springboks lost to Ireland. Terrible, but shit happens.....and the most obvious reason for the loss was the fact that the Bokke seemed to forget how to tackle....come on boys, pick it up for next week.

Apart from the battle on the TV we had our own battle in the pub here in Dar es Salaam. about halfway through the game I hear something about "bloody South Africans", so I reckon , "oh great, someone is going to taunt us, hell, no problem....always fun"

But what really made me mad was the attitude and rude comments about South Africans and not the game itself. I agree that during a big match, there will always be taunting about the other teams player,their skill, their mistakes etc, but don't attack the country and all the people....thats just pointless. You're there to watch the game, not try start arguments with other patrons. I ignored this bunch for while, but then I hear "please sit down we can't the screen". I turn around and cannot believe my eyes.......the taunting was coming from a table of Geriatrics, thats right, several wrinkled, pee smelling olden goldies. I am pretty sure the alcohol was doing the talking and not the brains....which, from the look of these wankers were pretty pickled. This old cow waddles back to her chair and they continue with their taunting.......

I am not generalizing here but those Irish swines last night were enough to upset anyone....even if you weren't South African. A point in case was the football game going on between Blackburn and Man United. As soon as Blackburn got the advantage and the Man United (all the viewers, except the Irish) fans showed their dismay, the Irish Super Stars decided they would rather cheer for Blackburn (not out of support, but merely to piss the Man U's off).

I really couldn't see the reason for this. But the message here is that if you are going out to look for trouble some of the time you may get away with it, but only because most people don't see the point in sinking to SUCH a low you group of Irish supporters that were behind us last out......someone is gonna lock you wheelchair brakes or even worse remove your piss bag........and being the whiteys you were, I wouldn't act like that in a country where you are the minority, not only in colour but in IQ.

So Paddy McShameYouPOES.....enjoy the victory because as far as I can remember it was the first one in a long time against the bokke......


Blogger fakawitribe said...

SO...this is what you've been up to since leaving us guys in KL..
getting into pub brawls with geriatric hooligans....

Mon Nov 13, 05:30:00 PM  

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